Disclosure according to §25 Abs 5 MedienG


Company name: deep roots - adventures
Owner: Siegfried A. Wiesnebauer
Legal form: Einzelunternehmen
VAT: ATU49544300
Court of registration: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Liezen

Media owner

Name: Siegfried A. Wiensebauer
Domicile: Palfau 157, Palfau, A - 8923 Austria

Type of business
Organisation und Vermittlung von Veranstaltungen,Kongressen

Bank details

Bank: Raiffeisenbank Ybbstal eGen
IBAN: AT 76 3290 6000 0008 0127
Billing address: Palfau 157, Palfau, A - 8923 Österreich


Palfau 157, Palfau
A - 8923 Austria

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +43 664 14 48 763
Fax: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Legal notice

All content on this website is protected by copyright. Transfer of this content without the explicit permission of the copyright holder is prohibited. All rights reserved.

References and links

The company Siegfried A. Wiesenbauer assumes no liability for the content and information, their accuracy, completeness or authenticity of Internet pages to which this website refers using hypertext links. Access to other websites using these hypertext links is at your own risk.

Image credits

Konzeption, Design & Umsetzung

webkonzepte.at : kompetenz im web


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